Our Board
Audit and Finance Sub-Committee
General Member since 6 July 2019
Chair since 10 March 2021
Until his retirement Brian had been working since 1980 as an accountant for visual and performing artists, writers, filmmakers and other creatives, and as an auditor of not-for-profit arts and disability support organisations, arts peak bodies, Indigenous Art Centres, and other organisations supporting families and individuals in remote communities. He is committed to particularly supporting those who are marginalised by disability, remoteness, economic prospects and hardship.
There is an old saying “you can take the boy out of the bush but you can’t take the bush out of the boy” so it’s no surprise that, growing up on the Atherton Tablelands and (from age 15) working on properties on Cape York, he relished working in the Art Centres on remote communities with Trudy the (Landcruiser) Troopie who lived in Alice Springs. The corrugated tracks and sand-hills of the Central and Western Deserts were an enjoyable escape from traffic lights and roundabouts.
He has been the Treasurer of over forty arts organisations, from the big (Queensland Performing Arts Trust, Brisbane Youth Service) to the small (Arts Law Centre of Queensland) to the tiny (Brisbane Independent Filmmakers), and is an advocate for fair and ethical treatment of artists, Indigenous and non-Indigenous.
Over the years he has built up a sizeable art collection and his only yet-to-be-fulfilled goal is to be a writer.
Crossroad Arts is an organisation for which he has the hugest admiration and is delighted to be part of the fabulous team.
Vice Chair
General Member since 17 May 2018
Vice Chair since 2 April 2020
David currently works for Spinal Life Australia, giving talks to school students in the Mackay and Whitsunday region. David holds a Bachelor of Environmental Studies as well as other relevant certificates.
David is passionate about the local community and volunteers for numerous Mackay organisations. He is also one of the members of the Access and Inclusion Reference Group for Mackay Regional Council.
As an avid visual artist, David has his own business called ‘Art from the Blindside’, and had his first exhibition as part of International Day for People with Disability at the Jubilee Community Centre in Mackay.
Audit and Finance Sub-Committee
Treasurer since 10 March 2021
Felicity is a proud Aboriginal woman living on Ngaro country with her husband and youngest of 3 boys; and is committed to learning, honouring and preserving the ancient Aboriginal culture. Felicity is passionate about supporting individual indigenous people, their families and mobs and finding opportunities for them to share their gifts and culture with the wider community.
With post graduate non-profit management qualifications (completed in 2007 at Qld University of Technology), Felicity has improved governance compliance, secured funding to enable completion of projects covering soft & hard infrastructure, community development, education and participation initiatives throughout regional Queensland. She was awarded the Whitsunday 2007 Australia Day Certificate of Achievement for significant achievement in Sports Administration; and was responsible for the inception and organisation of the inaugural 2006 Whitsunday Volunteers Summit.
Felicity has spent the last 25 years working with micro to medium businesses developing and implementing simple administration and bookkeeping systems, providing business development, construction contract administration, project & construction management & event co-ordination services, writing simple websites to provide an online presence; and researching new markets and opportunities for income diversification.
Three years ago, Felicity suffered a life altering brain aneurysm bleed. Since being released from hospital in July 2017, weaving and photography has been an integral part of her rehabilitation and healing journey. Weaving has been essential in helping Felicity manage life with her disability.
Felicity is focused on weaving together her gifts for innovative thinking, connecting people, storytelling, traditional Aboriginal weaving, photography, healing and inspiring others with her strong business management and administration skills to help build strong, sustainable and inclusive rural, remote and regional communities.
Audit and Finance Sub-Committee
Fundraising Sub-Committee
General member since 10 March 2021
Secretary since 10 March 2022
Lauren Turton is the Curator at Artspace Mackay responsible for overseeing management of the gallery exhibition program and art collection. After completing a Masters of Arts Administration (Curating and Cultural Leadership) at the University of New South Wales with a focus thesis on regional arts programming, in 2017 Lauren relocated to Mackay for the role of Assistant Curator, moving into a senior curatorial role in 2019.
Having grown up in a regional area, one of Lauren’s key career goals is to strengthen cultural communities and ensure galleries are accessible for all audiences throughout Australia. Lauren brings knowledge of both metropolitan and regional artists and audiences to Mackay having worked in one of Australia’s oldest commercial art galleries in Sydney, as well spending time in a research student role at the Australian Council for the Arts and volunteering in regional arts organisation in south western New South Wales
Fundraising Sub-Committee
General Member since 26 March 2019
Tracey has worked in the regional arts sector in Queensland for more than 20 years including positions with Flying Arts Inc., Artspace Mackay, Crossroad Arts Inc. and Mackay Regional Council. Her appointment as Director of Artspace Mackay sees her return to regional galleries after working as a freelance curator, project manager and arts consultant. In her role as Artspace Mackay Gallery Director, Tracey leads a team of professional gallery staff in providing a high-quality community facility; an inspirational exhibition program; a growing, relevant art collection and engaging public programs. Central to the role is the implementation and coordination of effective and efficient policies and practices relevant to the gallery and its programs, with the aim of providing the community of Mackay and visitors to the region access to high-quality arts and cultural development programs. Tracey holds a Bachelor of Visual Arts in Fine Art from the Queensland College of Art and is a practicing printmaker.
Tracey believes in the arts’ ability to act as a catalyst for social change. She is passionate about seeing the Queensland regional arts and cultural community development sector thrive and looks forward to actively contributing to the growth and success of Crossroad Arts Inc. into the future.
General member since 6 September 2018
Mark is an arts leader and administrator bringing together his leadership skills honed during his time as a school principal and his twelve years as part of the Opera Queensland senior management team.
In September 2022, Mark moved to Adelaide to commence as the Executive Director of State Opera South Australia. This position sees Mark leading this major performing arts organisation which is a Statutory Authority under the Department of Premier and the Cabinet.
Mark’s work experience in addition to his formal learnings from a Bachelor of Education and a Masters of Education in Leadership and Management assist him to create and lead innovative performing arts experiences. As Director of Learning, Regional and Community, Mark oversaw the company's education, community, regional touring, commercial and corporate work.
Mark led Project Puccini, a world-first initiative by Opera Queensland, in collaboration with eight regional Queensland cities, which gave hundreds of everyday people the opportunity to perform in the chorus of a new, professional staged production of La Bohème. Nothing to this scale had ever been attempted before. Mark presented an abstract on this project at the 2015 International Arts Health Conference, subsequently being presented with an award for Excellence in Arts Health in Regional Australia.
In 2012 and 2013, Mark held the position of Chair of the Australia Council’s Major Performing Arts Education group.
General Member since 5 September 2019
Trish Ely is a local from Mackay, born and bred in this fabulous town with a passion for showcasing people with disabilities’ talents and skills and providing opportunities for all to participate in community events. Trish works full time in the Education sector, currently as Head of Special Education Services. She holds a Master of Special Education degree and is a qualified Level 2 NAATI Auslan interpreter. She has a personal commitment and drive to promote people’s abilities, skills and interests in any way possible. She relishes opportunities for all to feel welcomed, have the opportunity to participate in community events and to showcase their achievements.
Inclusion and celebrating diversity promotes a rich culture of understanding, tolerance and recognition, celebrated through the platform of Crossroads Arts Inc. Trish is keen to be a part of this dynamic group and hopefully to use her connections locally to further promote the great networks, friendships and opportunities afforded us through Crossroads Arts Inc.
General Member since 19 March 2024
Dyane grew up in Mackay and the surrounding Coalfields and completed her schooling at Whitsunday Anglican School. She relocated to Perth in 2013 and began her Bachelor of Laws in 2016 with Murdoch University. After moving back to Mackay in April 2018 she continued studying her Bachelor of Laws via distance learning at the University of Southern Queensland.
Dyane first joined the Macrossan & Amiet team in November 2018 doing work experience one day a week.
On 1 June 2020, Dyane was admitted as a Solicitor of the Supreme Court of Queensland.
Dyane works mainly in litigation, wills and estates and conveyancing. This allows her to have close contact with her clients through various stages of their lives, whether they’re first buying a home, updating a Will to reflect a new family member or dealing with any disputes or issues that arise along the way.
Dyane is committed to working regionally as it allows her to feel a part of the community. Working in a town like Mackay has allowed her to have face to face contact with her clients and get to know them and the region and the industries that we are built on, on a deeper level.
Dyane has been a committee member of the Mackay District Law Association since 2020, and has been the treasurer of the committee since 2023.
Outside of work Dyane loves spending quality time with her two young daughters and her husband, where they enjoy exploring the Mackay region together.