Wearable Art


Photo credit: Keeara & Reece Photography

Create and wear original art!

Participants with and without disability and who are d/Deaf are invited to create original costumes and learn creative makeup techniques to design and create characters. 

There will be an opportunity (optional) to model your creations at our annual LOOSE ENDS night in December.

Workshops are suitable for those 18yrs + with and without disability and who are d/Deaf.  All levels of ability and experience are welcome!

Facilitator:   Hannah Izard

Term 1:  Monday 3 February - Monday 24 March (8 weeks)

Term 2:  Monday 28 April - Monday 23 June (8 weeks) No class 5 May

Term 3:  Monday 21 July - Monday 8 September (8 weeks)

Term 4:  Monday 13 October - Monday 1 December (8 weeks)

Time: 10:30am- 12:00noon

Cost: $120/term. Should cost be a barrier to participation please contact us. See NDIS info below.

Where: Crossroad Arts, 55 Wood St Mackay.

Access: Venue is wheelchair accessible. Should you have any access requirements please let us know when enrolling.

If you are interested and new to our workshops, come and try the first workshop obligation free.

To ensure that we can budget and cover workshop costs accordingly we require notice of all potential absences before the term commences. Crossroad Arts workshop program is charged at a term rate and in advance.

For more information or to register for workshops:

Contact: Lesa Walker
Email: admin@crossroadarts.com.au
Phone: (07) 4953 5122

Please note: If you are deaf or have a hearing or speech impediment, please contact us through the National Relay Service.

NDIS Categories

Click HERE for more information.


Creative Development of Major Production


For art’s sake!